Established artist in the field of visual arts and design, Patricia Al’Kary is originally from the beautiful region of Ceará Brazil, more precisely in the capital Fortaleza, a land of idyllic beaches and at the same time, an area of ​​strong economic and artistic development, where the ‘man and nature still live in harmony. In her creations, the artist collects the roots and traditions of her origin and makes them source of inspiration, along with all the experience gained in the design world.
After living in Brazil, New York, Paris and London, and buiding a name in the artistic world, Patricia Al’Kary settled in Florence. And in the city of arts par excellence, constantly in contact with the manufactures of the highest quality products in the field of fashion and luxury leather goods, the designer has decided to embark on a new path to express through a collections of bags, her inner life and her creative world.

